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Marin County DUI Attorney Robert Tayac

Specializing in DUI Defense in Marin County & All Bay Area Counties

Welcome to the website for Marin County DUI attorney Robert Tayac. If you, a relative or someone you know has been arrested for driving under the influence in Marin County, please read the material in the DUI Overview, What to Do First, and Frequently Asked Questions sections of this website, then seriously consider hiring a local Marin County DUI lawyer.

Marin County DUI arrests are serious. The embarrassment of being required to publicly perform Field Sobriety Tests (FST's) given only to those suspected of drunk driving, quickly gives way to the nightmare of a DUI arrest, being placed in handcuffs, taken to the county jail located in San Rafael or another police facility in Mill Valley or Sausalito and the fear of all the other consequences which may follow a Marin County DUI conviction. The consequences include the possibility of being sent back to jail and losing your California driver's license for several months, a year, or even longer. Additionally, a Marin County driving under the influence conviction can result in the loss of a job, educational and employment opportunities or a professional license.

I understand how you feel. More importantly, I know how to help you avoid or minimize the consequences which follow a DUI arrest in Marin County. In order to make certain your case is properly handled, a person arrested for driving under the influence in Marin County should hire a qualified attorney who specializes in Marin County driving under the influence cases.
If you, a family member or anyone you know has been arrested anywhere in Marin County or the surrounding counties of Napa, San Francisco or Sonoma by the California Highway Patrol, Marin County Sheriff's office, or local police for driving under the influence (DUI), you probably have questions and need no-nonsense, accurate answers. I can provide you with the answers to your questions.

Lawyers honest with themselves and the public freely acknowledge that California DUI defense is a legal specialty. Every Marin County DUI arrest usually initiates two separate cases. The first Marin County DUI case is the criminal case, while the second DUI case is the DMV case. Before handling either of these two cases, California DUI lawyers should have obtained specialized education, training and experience in the procedures of the law enforcement agency which made the arrest, so-called Field Sobriety Tests (standardized field sobriety tests and non-standardized filed sobriety tests), Preliminary Alcohol Screening (PAS) devices, evidential breath alcohol testing and breath alcohol testing devices (to include the Drager Alcotest 7110 MKIII-C and Drager EPAS 7410), blood alcohol testing, extensive pretrial motion practice, extensive trial experience in the county where the DUI arrest occurred, extensive appellate practice experience.

For these reasons, it is critical to hire a lawyer who specializes in Marin County drunk driving defense if you decide to hire an attorney to represent you following a Marin County DUI arrest.

I have more than twenty years of experience in DUI law and am prepared to help. Please take a moment to review the material in this website and feel free to call my office with any questions you may have and to discuss your Marin County DUI case in complete confidence without any cost or obligation.

Why Choose Our Firm?

Attorney Robert Tayac Puts a Long, Decorated Career to Work for You
  • Puts Over 20 Years of Experience Toward Your Case

  • Specialized Education in DUI Defense

  • Has Trained Other Attorneys in San Francisco

  • Former San Francisco Police Officer & Police Inspector

  • Certified by the SFPD on the Intoxilyzer 5000 Testing Device

  • Co-Authored the 4th Edition of California Drunk Driving Defense

  • Boasts a Successful Record Achieving the Best Result for His Clients

  • Takes the Time to Understand You & Your Case

Marin County DUI Criminal Case

California DUI laws and local Marin County Superior Court procedures are complex. Attorneys who do not specialize in Marin County DUI defense frequently provide inaccurate information to members of the public (and even their own clients) who have been arrested for driving under the influence. You need accurate information and my office will provide you with the answers you need. I have been able to acquire specialized education, training and experience (some of which was from law enforcement schools) which enables me to effectively represent clients and you, a family member or friend in a Marin County DUI case.

Marin County DUI arrests involving alcohol initiate two separate cases. The first DUI case is the Marin County driving under the influence criminal case. The second DUI case is a California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) DUI license suspension action. All Marin County driving under the influence cases are prosecuted at the Marin County courthouse located at 3501 Civic Center Drive in San Rafael and the California Department of Motor Vehicles Driver Safety Office located at 1377 Fell Street in San Francisco on the second floor.

It is important to know that when drivers are arrested for drunk driving in Marin County, they are usually charged with two or more separate criminal offenses. The first Marin County criminal DUI charge is for driving under the influence of alcohol in violation of California Vehicle Code section 23152, subdivision (a), while the second DUI criminal charge is for driving with a blood alcohol level of 0.08 percent or higher in violation of California Vehicle Code section 23152, subdivision (b). Ordinarily, most Marin County DUI cases are charged as misdemeanors unless an accident has occurred resulting in an injury to someone other than the driver arrested for driving under the influence or the driver has a prior felony conviction for DUI, in which event the case may be charged as a felony DUI in violation of California Vehicle Code section 23153.

Marin County DMV Case

A person arrested for driving under the influence in Marin County will have their California driver's license confiscated by the local police officer, County Sheriff's deputy or California Highway Patrol officer if their breath alcohol level was 0.08 percent or greater as determined by an evidential breath test if they are over 21 years of age. If the driver is under 21 years of age, the officer will seize their California driver's license if the driver's breath alcohol level was 0.01 percent or greater as determined by an evidential breath test or a preliminary alcohol screening (PAS) device. All drivers whose licenses were confiscated should be issued a temporary driver's license (usually a pink sheet of paper, except if arrested by a Sausalito police officer), which will be valid for thirty (30) days from the date of the Marin County DUI arrest.

URGENT: If you have been arrested for California DUI / DWI, it is essential that you or your attorney contact the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to schedule an Administrative Hearing within ten (10) days of your arrest. Immediate action must be taken to protect your driver's license or privilege to drive in this state if you hold an out of state driver's license. Failure to request a DMV Hearing with the California DMV's Driver Safety Office within ten (10) days of the date of the Marin County DUI arrest will result in the automatic suspension of your California driver's license thirty (30) days from the date of the DUI arrest for a minimum of four (4) months or an out of state licensee's privilege to drive in California indefinitely. Contact the office for more information on now to protect your legal rights if you, a family member or someone you know has been arrested for DUI, drunk driving, driving under the influence of alcohol, medication or drugs, or any drinking and driving arrest in California. If you decide to represent yourself, you may call the Department of Motor Vehicles Driver Safety office at 415-557-3722 to schedule a Hearing.

Drivers arrested in Marin County for DUI, who have driver's licenses from states other than California will not have their license confiscated, but will be issued a temporary "driver's license" (usually a pink sheet of paper unless the driver is arrested for a DUI in Sausalito) to drive in California for thirty (30) days. The privilege of out of state drivers to drive in California who have been arrested in Marin County for driving with a blood alcohol level of 0.08 percent or greater will be suspended thirty (30) days from the date of the arrest if a DMV Hearing is not requested within ten (10) days of the arrest.

If you have questions regarding your Marin County DMV case, call my office.

A driver's license suspension can lead to many serious problems. If you hire my office to represent you, we will immediately request a DMV Hearing and represent you at that Hearing. In many cases, the conditions surrounding your DUI arrest can be challenged, and in some cases, the suspension will be Set Aside and your driving privilege reinstated without a DUI license suspension.


A DMV hearing must be requested on your behalf within ten (10) days of your DUI arrest, or your driver's license will automatically be suspended thirty (30) days from the date of your arrest.

What To Do First

Marin County DUI Process

Because Marin County drunk driving and California DMV cases are complicated, you should consider hiring an experienced local attorney to assist you with your case if you have been arrested or charged with driving under the influence. Whether the Marin County arrest was for a first offense DUI, second offense DUI or third offense DUIcase, my staff and I will help you through the legal process with minimum disruption to your personal life and professional responsibilities. I have helped many clients through this stressful experience and will help you through the criminal case process and the DMV case process. More importantly, I will represent you in both cases to ensure that your rights are protected and you achieve the best possible result.

As well, I will explain the importance and lack of importance of so-called field sobriety tests and blood alcohol testing to you. Whether you have been arrested for a first time DUI or are facing treatment as a multiple offender, you have rights which the police, prosecutors and courts must honor. I provide clients with up to date DUI resources and accurate advice. My office also represents clients in DUI cases involving motorcycles and boats,federal DUIs, and DUI accidents.

Marin County DUI Defense Lawyer

As a Marin County DUI lawyer I am privileged to represent clients who have been accused of driving under the influence (DUI) in Marin County and the surrounding Bay Area counties of San Francisco, Sonoma and Napa. My office specializes in California DUI law and representing people facing alcohol related driving under the influence charges. I take great pride in having helped hundreds of clients successfully resolve or contest their Marin CountyDUI charges. In fact, many Marin County attorneys who themselves represent people who have been arrested for driving under the influence in Marin County regularly ask me for advice and guidance in handling their clients' Marin County DUI charges.

Marin County DUI arrests can be very traumatic, especially if a person is not familiar with the California legal process. A DUI conviction is even worse, because it can remain on your criminal record for your entire life unless it is Expunged. If you, a relative or friend have been arrested for DUI in Marin County, contact the Law Office of Robert Tayac immediately. I will discuss the DUI process with you and will advocate for you with the District Attorney, superior court Judge and at the California DMV. If my office handles your case, you will know that every effort will be made to defend you against the Marin County DUI charges.

Client Testimonials

  • “I do recognize that you achieved for me an outcome exceeding what is typical for Santa Clara County.”


  • “These clients have called me to thank me for referring them to the Law offices of Robert Tayac.”

    R.R., Attorney at Law

  • “It is so reassuring to meet a person/team who is expert at what they do.”


  • “His in depth knowledge and expertise within his field, along with deep and lasting relationships with the District Attorneys office and everyone involved are without a doubt unmatched.”


  • “I think you did a great job and I sincerely appreciate both the work you did and your professionalism.”


Marin County Cities Served by this Office

This office is dedicated to the needs of our clients and to producing outstanding results on their behalf. We are proud to be the choice of professionals such as lawyers, physicians, veterinarians, nurses, pilots, teachers, firefighters, and police officers who have been arrested for driving under the influence in Marin County. Because we give 100 percent to our clients in every case, I am confident that no attorney anywhere can or will obtain a better result for you in your Marin County DUI case.

Marin County DUI lawyer Robert Tayac represents people arrested in the following communities:

Belvedere, Bolinas, Corte Madera, Dillon Beach, Dogtown, Fairfax, Greenbrae, Inverness, Inverness Park, Kentfield, Lagunitas-Forest Knolls, Larkspur, Marin City, Marshall, Mill Valley, Muir Beach, Nicasio, Novato, Olema, Point Reyes Station, Ross, San Anselmo, San Geronimo, San Rafael, Sausalito, Stinson Beach, Tiburon, Tomales, Woodacre.